Shelley Doxtator RMT

Massage Therapy

A customized blend of manual techniques and self care to help you reach your desired health and wellness goals. Each treatment is tailored to the individual receiving treatment. Manage the physical symptoms of stress, rehabilitate from injury, management of persistent pain or acute pain, headaches, TMJ disorders, repetitive strain or overuse injuries, improve general mobility, pre- and postn... Read More

A customized blend of manual techniques and self care to help you reach your desired health and wellness goals. Each treatment is tailored to the individual receiving treatment.

Manage the physical symptoms of stress, rehabilitate from injury, management of persistent pain or acute pain, headaches, TMJ disorders, repetitive strain or overuse injuries, improve general mobility, pre- and postnatal massage, as well as post surgical care.

NEW PATIENT APPOINTMENTS ARE NOW BOOOKING 8 WEEKS OUT Shelley graduated from the University of Waterloo in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Honours Kinesiology. She returned to school shortly after graduating to pursue a career as a Massage Therapist.

As a Registered Massage Therapist, Shelley strives to actively involve her clients in their treatment and care. She assesses and treats client as a WHOLE and not just focused on where the pain is present. Sometimes the issue isn’t in the tissue.

Through the use of a combination of massage therapy styles/techniques, she has experienced great success in helping her clients reach their goals (i.e. reduce pain, rehabilitate, gain/maintain function, improve posture, etc).

Outside of traditional Swedish Massage Techniques, Shelley also has training in:

Soft Tissue Release; John Barnes Myofascial Release (plus a multitude of other fascial technique courses); TMJ Dysfunction; Upper Extremity Nerve Mobilization; Pelvic Pain/Pelvic Health; Prenatal Massage; Kinesiotaping and Dermoneuromodulation.

Formerly a competitive figure skater from the London area, Shelley remains active in her free time running and exercising. Outside of work, she is a busy mama of one energetic little girl and a book nerd.

NEW PATIENT APPOINTMENTS ARE NOW BOOOKING 8 WEEKS OUT Shelley graduated from the University of Wa... Read More

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Located at: 6C - 163 Commissioners Rd W, London
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